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تشرح نده ساتل شوې. مخکې لاړ شه؟
Page Name and Icon
Give your website a descriptive name and icon, that can be updated.
Menu and Submenus
Webbuilder give you four type of Menu based on template, which are marked digit 1, 2, 3 and 4 in the following picture.
Text Box
This Text Box is used for products, services, articles and other internal and external information publishing of the website, it has many settings and parameters to enhance presentation including multilingual element, also more buttons and forms like cost, offer, get quote,comments and reviews and others can be attached to the text box. Most of the information published in Liwal Mahasib website are using Text Box.
Menu Bar
Menu Bar can be used to show the menus as well as set social media links, sharing links, language selection and other features.
لاندي وختکرښه داسي ډيزين لري. تاسو کولاي شې چې انځورنه هم پکي وښيي. په ټک ورکولو سره اړوند انځورونه راځي.

Liwal Digital School Timeline

History, Awards, Impact & Recognition.
To see related videos and pictures, Click on preferred year slot.

H# 3, Street 8A (Liwal), Sharnaw, Kabul, Afghanistan.